JDK 1.8.0_60 for Windows: How to Install and Use the Java Development Kit
3) Extract the iReport and in the extracted folder that contains the bin and etc folders throw in the jre. For example if you unpack twice the jre-7u67-windows-x64.tar.gz you end up with a folder named jre1.7.0_67. Put that folder in the iReport-5.6.0 directory:
I didn't even use the exact netbeans source used by ireport. I just downloaded the latest WeakListenerImpl.java in full from the above repository, and compiled it in the ireport directory with platform9/lib/org-openide-util.jar in the compiler classpath
jdk1.8.0_60 download for windows
One approach to avoid rewriting directories in scripts is to use symlinks (junctions on NTFS).First, download the junction utility from SysInternals here: -us/sysinternals/bb896768.aspxthen unzip, copy to some directory on the PATH, and run once to accept the licence.
For example, running jre1.8.0_60.exe /s REMOVEOUTOFDATEJRES=1 will remove all JREs below the security baseline. JREs above the security baseline will not be uninstalled. 0 no STATIC= Windows Enable, Disable Performs a static installation (see "Static Installation"). Disable no USAGETRACKER_CFG= Windows, macOS, Linux, Solaris path Specifies the path and file name of the Java Usage Tracker properties file. See Java Usage Tracker Guide. None yes WEB_ANALYTICS= Windows Enable, Disable Enables or disables the installer to send installation-related statistics to an Oracle server. Enable yes WEB_JAVA_SECURITY_LEVEL= Windows, macOS, Linux, Solaris H (high), VH (very high) Configures the installation's security level for Java applications running in a browser or run with Java Web Start. H no WEB_JAVA= Windows, macOS, Linux, Solaris Enable, Disable Configures the installation so downloaded Java applications are, or are not, allowed to run in a web browser or by Java Web Start. Enable no Sample Configuration FileThe following is a sample JRE configuration file for Windows. It specifies the following:
We recommend that JAVA_HOME should point to the root folder of the Java installation (e.g. /usr/jdk/jdk1.8.0_60). See either Installing Fisheye on Windows or Installing Fisheye on Linux and Mac for further instructions on setting JAVA_HOME.
You want to download Oracle'sJava SE 8 JDK from their web site. This is somewhat trickybecause there are a lot of things on the download page with nearly thesame name. For example, you should not download the JRE (the Java RuntimeEnvironment), which lets you run Java programs, but does not providethe tools for Java development.
thanks,I allready download this one but now I have an error when try to connect to the data base server from my laptop I found this message ORA-12705 (Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified) I allready checked tha value for parameters NLS on the data base and are the same that my laptop, so I dont know what is te problem, if You can help me on that I really appreciate it.Thanks
SAME EXACT ERROR: UNABLE TO LAUNCH JAVA VIRTUAL MACHINE when I click on ANY .exe file in the download, unextracted folder. And I get the same error in the cmd. I spent another few hours seeking solutions to all the things Vlad_K did below:
That worked. But when I then ran my Jenkins project, it just deleted the JDK, downloaded it and tried to run the original command.Maybe there is a database field somewhere that remembers if the JDK has been installed on the slave or not. If that could be set to installed, then we would have a workaround.
This post is about installation of JDeveloper. Before starting Please check the Oracle official document and verify Oracle JDeveloper Certification Information and Your System Requirements for Installing Oracle JDeveloper. The download link provide below two options.
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To install Ant, download it from Windows: Using the cmd prompt or a cygwin bash shell , install the apache ant .tar.gz file. The .zip file does not include an ant script, it includes Python and Perl scripts that are harder to use. To install Ant, see , or follow these instructions (this example uses the Cygwin bash shell):
Note that the ant change-to command uses svn to download the rest of Kepler and Ptolemy II, which can take awhile. The ant change-to command can be used to select other configurations, type ant change-to to see other choices.
Eclipse is available from You should download the latest version 3 stable version to be able to follow these instructions. They were generated using Eclipse Indigo, which corresponds with version 3.7.1.Eclipse comes in several varieties, if you are a Ptolemy developer, choose "Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers".If you are a Kepler-only developer, the "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers", will likely work, but these instructions were tested using "Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers".In October, 2011, we chose Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers. The Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers version includes the plugin development environment (PDE), which is needed by the backtrack facility, which is an optional part of Ptolemy II that allows models to restore their old state. If the version of Eclipse that you install does not have the PDE, then there will be build errors, which can be fixed by excluding ptolemy/backtrack/ from the build. Kepler does not use the backtracking facility, so you may be ok with a different version of Eclipse.
and download the free ``community edition''. (There's nothing in the ``ultimate'' edition that will make any difference to your work in Comp215, Comp322, Comp311, or (hopefully) most other undergraduate computer science courses.) Versions are available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. IntelliJ is an example of an integrated development environment (IDE). The other popular Java IDE you may have heard of or used in the past is Eclipse.
For Scala SDK, click "Create". If Scala 2.11.7 does not appear as an option, click "Browse" and navigate to the Scala folder you recently downloaded.
Anyway, when image is created or product is updated (i.e. Fixes are needed) then there is a file download involved. In this cases it is possible to experience some Proxy issues if the Proxy has some rules set that limit the network communication over, file types, number of connections established etc.
Please, do not use IP range, as this could change over time. You should use names (i.e. sdc.softwareag.com, empower.softwareag.com and sdc-hq.softwareag.com), cdn.softwareag.com, stvmsdservicesprod.blob.core.windows.net.
If you have a column of URLs and want to fetch the information that they point to, you can simply run the expression as value. If your column has, for example, unique identifiers for Wikidata entities (numerical values starting with Q), you can download the JSON-formatted metadata about each entity with
4. Make sure you have internet connection because we are going to download plugin. In the new window you will get a list of all available plugins. Scroll down and select NppExec plugin from the list and install it.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined')ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'thecrazyprogrammer_com-box-4','ezslot_3',126,'0','0']);__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thecrazyprogrammer_com-box-4-0');5. Go to Plugins > NppExec > Execute. Now we have to create a script. In the new window enter following commands and then save it with any name.
Since the original thread has gone a bit downward and the up-to-date components were a bit spread out, I've decided to re-post Turos's Alethi font and my own Alethi Transliterator. The font can be used to write in the Alethi alphabet on a computer, while my program transforms a plain-text file from written English to what is essentially phonetic English, but conforms to Turos's font conventions.How to use the font:Font download: AlethiTS Font.zipIf your are using a non-Windows operating system and .tff fonts don't work on your computer, let Turos know what file type you need and he'll make one for ya.As a bonus, for people who want the entire sentence to fit on one center line, Turos has included a second font that adds the center line to the space character called AlethiTS_lined.ttfVersion 2: AlethiTS Fontv2.zipThe .zip file contains a ReadMe describing the font conventions and how to start using the font.How to use the program:Download: AlethiTransliterator_1_9_5_2.txtYou have to change the extension from .txt to .java, since the forum hates .java files for some reason. You can run it using any java compiling program. I found this site, Turos wrote up this set of instructions, or you can just email me at [email protected] with the plaintext and a request to do it for you.Use: Place the text you want to transliterate into a .txt file. Run the program and then type in the file name (i.e. Example.txt) when prompted. A new file called Alethi_.txt will be created in the same directory as the original once the program terminates.I've also included a functionality to keep certain portions of text untouched: a [...] tag that protects the text within the tag from being touched by the transliteration aspect of the program. This way, particularly tricky words or proper names can be cordoned off and search-replaced manually. It's currently set to leave the tags in the final text, where they can be easily found and removed after manual transliteration.Ex.-"Wow, Xanthophyll is not necessarily the most transmorgraphical name to pronounce, is it?" becomes:-"Wow, Xanthophyll is not necessarily the most transmorgraphical name to pronounce, is it?" as opposed to:-".uau zanTofyll is not nesesarilee Te most transmorgrafikal neym too pronouns is it"Due to how this is implemented, '
Just a quick question. I only just found this, and quickly downloaded it. But there seems to be an issue with the script. The top of the script keeps cutting off. I've tried changing spacing (between lines), and font size, but it made no difference. I am using a Windows 8, with a Microsoft Office 2013 program. Any ideas?